Group Members
Prof. Wang's Group
Prof. A.J. Müller is a Materials Engineer (Simón Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela) specialized in Polymer Science. He holds a Masters degree in Chemistry (IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela) and a Ph.D. in Physics (from Bristol University, U.K.). At Bristol he studied polymer physics under the joint supervision of Jeff Odell and Andrew Keller.
Emeritus Professor from Simón Bolívar University (USB), Caracas, Venezuela. Editor for "Polymer Physics and Technology" of the EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL (EPJ). Editor in Chief, Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales (LatinAmerican Journal of Metallurgy and Materials) (RLMM). Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Engineering and Habitat from Venezuela. He received the Lorenzo Mendoza National Science Prize (Polar Prize) in Venezuela (1995) and the International Paul J. Flory Award (2011) from the POLYCHAR organization.
His fields of interests include: structure-property relationships, morphology, nucleation, thermal transitions, crystallization and crystallization kinetics of semi-crystalline materials and of multiphasic polymeric materials, such as: polymer blends, block copolymers, random copolymers, biopolymers, biobased polymers, biodegradable polymers, nano-composites and hybrid materials. He is an internationally recognized expert in thermal analysis and has developed advanced calorimetric protocols to study thermal fractionation and thermal transitions in polymers.
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